Page - Pediatric Acupuncture
Sharon has taken a six week comprehensive course specifically detailing how to work with children and babies. Children already have an association with needles from their pediatric visits. Unfortunately, this usually is not a beneficial association. Therefore, we ask parents not to tell their children that acupuncture is about using needles, rather we refer to them as “taps”. Kids are smart and we are not trying to trick them in this regard, however, referring to them as “taps” can work to our advantage, and they can play a role in getting their treatment. Firstly, acupuncture needles are nothing like a needle you get for a vaccination or flu shot; they are much, much thinner and finer since no fluid needs to be taken or given. In other words, acupuncture needles are about the size of 3 head hairs and are not hollow like those used for vaccines or taking blood. And, if old enough to speak, children can decide for themselves if they wish to try the “taps” or would prefer an alternative. Alternatives include electro-stimulation of the point with very small frequencies that I have been told by my own granddaughter, “tickle”. Or we can stimulate the point physically with touch and manipulation.
While the points are the same in adults, children’s energy or qi (pronounced chee) is much more abundant and easily accessible. For this reason, it is not always necessary to use needles on children and babies. However, it is still the most efficient way to bring about the desired response. In small babies, the points are difficult to find because they have not grown into them yet. However, there are several main points that can still be easily accessed to bring about a preferred reaction.
In addition to working with these acupuncture points, there are various other ways we can work with a condition. For instance, massage or tuina (a Chinese form of massage) may be appropriate in some cases, or perhaps dietary or nutritional supplements may be required to bring about an anticipated reaction. Many times, nutrition will come into play. I know for some children this is a difficult area, however, there are many alternatives.
Parents are encouraged to be involved in every step of the clinical process at Personal Balance and often may be sent home with “homework”. For example, if your child has a tendency to be constipated and foods that may decrease this inclination are not possibilities for your child, we may suggest massaging the tummy in a certain way to decrease the continuation of constipation.
Pediatric acupuncture can be used for many conditions such as: asthma, allergies, constipation, colic, diarrhea, flu, colds, eczema, dermatitis, ear infections, nose bleeds, chronic low immunity, fever, skin rashes, digestive disorders and much, much more.
While there is an abundance of information that can be stated, those who are interested in Pediatric Acupuncture can call and ask questions or schedule a free 15 minute consultation.